Terms of use


Hôtel Chamar

Publishing company : Hôtel Chamar

URL : www.hotelchamar.com

Company: Hotel Paris La Bruyère

Legal form: SAS

Registered office: 35 Rue la Bruyère - 75009 Paris

SIRET : 444 462 006 00016

Share capital: 2,469,800 euros

RCS: 444 462 006 RCS Paris

Intracommunity VAT: FR 71 44 44 62 006

APE code: 5510Z

Phone : +33 1 86 53 49 90

Email : reception@hotelchamar.com

Publishing Director, Legal Representative: Marc Ghanem


Webmaster/Création Site Web : MMCréation

URL: www.mmcreation.com

Company: MMCréation

Legal status: Limited liability company (SARL)

HEAD OFFICE: 32 avenue de Wagram - 75008 Paris

SIRET: 339 237 992 00047

SHARE CAPITAL: €38,112.00

RCS : 339 237 992 R.C.S. PARIS

Intracommunity VAT: FR 76 339 237 992

APE code: 6312Z

Email : info@mmcreation.com


Hosting and Publication: OVH

URL: www.ovh.com

Company: OVH

Legal form: Simplified joint stock company (SAS)

HEAD OFFICE: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

SIRET: 424 761 419 00045

SHARE CAPITAL: €10,069,020

RCS : Lille Métropole 424 761 419

Intracommunity VAT: FR 22 424 761 419

APE code: 6311Z

Tel : +33 9 72 10 10 07

Email : cil@ovh.net


Who are we?

This website ("Site") is operated by Hôtel Chamar ("Owner"), 35 rue La Bruyère, Paris 9 under number 444 462 006 R.C.S. Paris ("we", "us" and "our" being interpreted accordingly).

Content of this site

Your use of this site and its contents, including but not limited to all text, data, logos, graphics, photographs, images, animations, software, applications, forms, video, music and other audiovisual material accessed by you ("Content") is subject to these terms and conditions. Any Content you access on this Site is owned by us (or by third parties who license such Content to us) and is made available to you for your personal use only, provided that you may not republish, post, transmit, edit, adapt, syndicate or distribute any Content without our prior written permission. The Hotel Chamar Paris name and other company names and logos displayed on this Site may be registered trademarks owned by us ("Trademarks").
To the fullest extent permitted by law, you may not establish a link to this Site, seek to extract data from it, reuse any part of this Site or its content for commercial purposes, or use our Trademarks in any manner that suggests that you are a third party.in any way that suggests that you or your company have any endorsement or affiliation with us, without our prior written permission (at our sole discretion).

Links to other websites

This site may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for your convenience only. We do not control third-party websites and are not responsible for their content or operation. The fact that this site contains links to third-party websites does not imply that we endorse the goods, services or material made available on those websites. You acknowledge that (to the maximum extent permitted by law and unless otherwise specified by us) we will not be responsible for your use of such third party websites or for any purchases made through them.

Use of this site

You may only use this site for lawful purposes in accordance with these terms and conditions, and you are prohibited from using it to engage in any fraudulent or unlawful activity. fraudulent activity or in any way which (in our reasonable opinion) is likely to harm our business or other users. Your use of our site is subject to our policies or guidelines, which we may communicate to you from time to time.
You also agree that all personal data and other information you may provide to us when registering or enrolling for a service on this site will be complete, accurate and up-to-date. With respect to any material you submit to us or publish on this site, you agree that you own the material or have the necessary rights, permissions and approvals to submit or publish it.
You agree to indemnify us in respect of any legal action or claim brought against us by any third party, and any associated losses, damages or expenses (including legal costs) incurred by us as a result of your breach of your obligations or undertakings under this section 4.

Our liability

Nothing in these conditions shall exclude or limit our liability for fraud, death or personal injury resulting from our negligence (or the negligence of any other person).gligence (or the negligence of our employees or agents) or where applicable law does not permit us to restrict or exclude particular obligations or liabilities.
Subject to the above paragraph, we accept no liability for damage to any computer or device you use to access this site or for any loss of data while using this site. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee that the content you access or download is free from viruses, worms or other malicious software, and you should check that you have appropriate and up-to-date protection against viruses or malicious software on your computer or device.
Although we will correct any errors brought to our attention on this site as soon as possible, we do not warrant that this site or its content will be completely free of bugs or errors, or that this site will be available without interruption. You agree that access to this site (or to certain features) may be interrupted or suspended without notice in the event of computer system problems or when we need to undertake maintenance work or for other reasons beyond our reasonable control.
We make no representations and exclude all warranties, terms or conditions (whether express or implied by law or otherwise) in relation to the site or its content, including, without limitation, any decision you make on the basis of information provided by this site, except that nothing in these conditions shall exclude or limit your statutory rights or any other rights which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. Subject to the above, we will not be liable for (1) any indirect, consequential or special loss or damage; or (2) any loss of revenue, profits or other economic loss (whether direct or indirect) howsoever arising out of the use of this site.

Privacy and security

The way in which we collect and process your personal data and protect your privacy is governed by our privacy policy, which forms an integral part of these terms and conditions. We also have a cookie policy which governs the use of cookies and other technologies.
Changes to these terms
We may amend these terms at any time, for example when we add new services or features, or if applicable legislation changes. All such changes will take effect once these terms have been updated, and you will be deemed to have accepted such changes if you continue to use the site after the last update.

Purchase of products or services

If you choose to purchase products or services from us through this site, they may be subject to new and/or additional terms and conditions which will be notified to you at that time.

Invalidity and waiver

If any of these terms and conditions is found by a court or regulatory body to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue to apply to the fullest extent permitted by law. No waiver of any of these conditions shall be effective unless in writing by us and no waiver (or failure to enforce) shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach.


Article L223-2
Version in force since July 01, 2016
Created Ordonnance n°2016-301 of March 14, 2016 - art.
We inform you of your right to register on the opposition list against telephone canvassing.
When this collection of information takes place on the occasion of the conclusion of a contract, the contract mentions, in a clear and comprehensible manner, the existence of this right for the consumer.


If you have any questions or complaints about the site or these conditions, you can contact us by e-mail at the following address: reception@hotelchamar.com.
SAS Hotel Paris La Bruyere
Intra VAT : FR 71 44 44 62 006

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